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Money laundering is laundered through financial systems every year, corresponding to 2-5% of the global GDP. Moreover, the illegal activities of criminal gangs increase with money laundering. Sanction Scanner offers solutions to prevent Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Regulation Technologies (RegTech).
Sanction Scanner provides Name Screening and Transaction Monitoring solutions, continuously monitoring the sanction lists of 220+ countries with innovative methods, too many domestic and foreign institutions.
Rozina is an award-winning editor who joined TBIJ from the BBC
In addition to these members of staff and regular contractors, TBIJ also works with experienced freelancers. These have recently included Tamasin Cave and Charlotte Maher. Outside the UK, TBIJ has worked freelancers including Rahul Meesaraganda, a freelance investigative reporter in India.
With Risk Tracker, we offer a fast, easy, and secure customer onboarding process. Thanks to its enhanced scanning tool, we focus on real risks, not false positives. Thus, we can meet our AML obligations and our customers’ expectations.
Head of Compliance at BPN
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