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Don't Risk Your Business - Track The Dangers

Requast Demo

Don't Risk Your Business - meet riskTracker Today!


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Try Risk Tracker

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What will the process be like

  • Fill out this form with your company's details and requirement.

  • Meet with our experts and get a guided tour of the risk tracker Database.

  • Experience risk tracker for yourself!

With Risk Tracker, we offer a fast, easy, and secure 
customer onboarding process. Thanks to its enhanced
scanning tool, we focus on real risks, not false positives.
Thus, we can meet our AML obligations and our customers’ 

  • Arda Akay

    Head of Compliance at BPN

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Requast Demo

Real-time data

Revolut's frictionless onboarding, immediate access to financial services, and ease of use..

Local List Management

Revolut's frictionless onboarding, immediate access to financial services, and ease of use..

Parametric Monitoring Setting

Revolut's frictionless onboarding, immediate access to financial services, and ease of use..

Case Management

Revolut's frictionless onboarding, immediate access to financial services, and ease of use..

Enhanced Profile

Revolut's frictionless onboarding, immediate access to financial services, and ease of use..

Reduce False Positive

Revolut's frictionless onboarding, immediate access to financial services, and ease of use..